Monday, July 25, 2011

G.A.L. Charles Fox Seminar July 23, 2011

The Leraas Lecture Hall at Pacific Lutheran University was packed to capacity for Charles Fox's morning seminar on efficient guitar building.  Charles was lively, self-deprecating, gracious, witty, and very funny.  Having recently attended a week-long class at his Portland, Oregon workshop, I thought I knew what to expect. I should have realized that a larger audience would amplify his delivery and accentuate his sense of humor.  "Gee, I'd really hate to die up here in front of all of you... that would be awkward."  Perhaps 'you had to be there' and hear it in the context of the old-guy-jokes he was peppering his presentation with. It was one of many moments when the crowd roared with laughter.  My favorite quote that was not a joke: "I've never made a jig to try and make a process faster.  The purpose of a jig is to create consistency and accurate results." He then went on to comment that he usually spends far more time making a jig than it would take to simply make the part without a jig.  More laughter.  I could say so much more, but the point is: laughed a lot; learned a lot.  Charles Fox is a treasure.

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